Wedding dresses are more than mere wedding outfits. They bring forth vows, love, and the beginning of a brand new life stage. Most brides are in awe of what to do with their wedding dresses once their big day has passed.
Nevertheless, some would rather choose to sell or donate their wedding dresses while others tend to redecorate or keep them as collectibles. Those who opt to keep their wedding dress should use wedding dress boxes for storage acid-free, not a plastic wedding dress storage bag or a wooden box.
What Is An Acid-Free Wedding Dress Box?
The acid-free wedding dress box is a box, specially designed for wedding gown cleaning and preservation. It includes a UV-coated viewing pane, an acid-free bust, and acid-free tissue paper. The dress’s size might be customised. However, the typical dimensions are 32.5 x 19.5 x 7.25 inches. Reputable businesses offer a 100-year anti-yellowing warranty to protect your wedding gown.
The Importance of Acid-Free Storage in Archival Practices
To make wedding gowns, providers use soft materials like satin, silk, and lace that disintegrate with time. If you use cardboard boxes or plastic boxes for wedding dress storage, then keep in mind these boxes release toxic vapours and acids. These further interact with clothe and cause:
Being wooden or cardboard boxes, they are acidic, which contributes to their eventual decomposition. This, in turn, results in an unpleasant odour that cannot be borne much longer on fabric, which is neither wearable nor exhibited.
Fiber Degradation
Fiber is made from natural materials like cotton and silk. So, acidic compounds can weaken your wedding dress texture. This will make the fabric brittle and delicate, leading to wear and tear and even experts may struggle to fix it.
Dark stains on the gown have been caused by acid exposure, especially in areas that are exposed to light or moisture. Furthermore, they are visible and difficult to remove.
Wedding dresses made from delicate fabrics are susceptible to yellowing, especially when stored in acid environments. Your gown’s rich pearl sheen converts into a dull yellow colour due to acid exposure.
A Look at Acid-Free Wedding Dress Boxes and Their Benefits
You can find several acid-free wedding dress boxes within your current budget.
Plain Acid-Free Boxes
Cost-effective and standard in the kind of protection you would be expecting to keep your clothes safe.
Silver-Plated Boxes
They are pricier, flashy, and therefore meant for those brides who intend to keep their dress in a very noticeable container.
Custom Boxes
Some preservation firms have started offering customised boxes enabling you to choose the dimension, colour, and design that will best pair your garment with your preference.
Benefits Of An Acid-free Wedding Dress Box
The acid-free wedding dress box has several benefits over standard preservation techniques. The following justifies its superiority as a storage option for your wedding gown:
- Stops Fabric Yellowing
When improper storage methods are used, your wedding dress is prone to yellowing. If you use acidic storage materials to store delicate textiles like silk, satin, or lace, they turn your fabric yellow. However, acid-free boxes aid in resolving this problem. These wedding dress boxes create a neutral environment that slows down the chemical processes that result in discolouration.
- Dust and Dirt-resistant
Dust and dirt can quickly get on your clothing if you store it in an unprotected or poorly sealed container. Couples should carefully store their wedding gowns in round wedding dress storage boxes, free of acid. This is because your gown is protected not only from accumulating dust, mildew, or dirt but also from exposure to any dangerous particles.
- Reduced Creasing and Wrinkling
The box, which is crafted from acid-free tissue paper, surrounds the fabric to provide cushioning and prevent wrinkles. More lines appear in delicate materials and are difficult to get rid of. To keep your dress looking sleek and new, acid-free cheap wedding dress boxes uk come in.
- Prevents Fabric Degradation
When you choose traditional boxes to store wedding dresses , like wooden chests or plastic containers, they emit chemicals and acids, leading to fabric degradation. As a result, clothe may become brittle, rip, or get holes. Non-acidic apparel boxes help you preserve your fabric fibers and averting harm.
- Provide Durable Preservative
Using acid-free boxes is the best way to preserve bridal gowns for a long time. These boxes keep them looking and feeling new for years or even decades. This collection deals with them from antique coffins and gives wedding dresses new life as family treasures.
- Avoiding Musty Odors
Wooden or cardboard storage boxes sometimes emit odors as the chemicals break down over time. Acid-free boxes, on the other hand, do not. By eliminating fashion adhesives (which also help with the smell), your wedding dress won’t take on any unpleasant or musty smells and can be stored in its original form for use future.
- Seeing Windows for Easy Access
The acid-free box has an ultraviolet-coated polyester sight. So you can open your wardrobe and find it without light and air, which can eventually ruin it.
- Personalised Storage Options
Most wedding dress boxes from storage-free suppliers, such as The Product Boxes, offer individual boxes according to the size and shape of your dress This ensures a tight and accurate fit and wrinkles or creases have been avoided and keeps the dress very interesting.
- Temperature Regulation
Maintaining dampness in your wedding dress travel box is important to prevent mould or mildew. Manufacturers make acid-free boxes, especially for this. In an acid-free environment, maintenance of humidity is warranted. It protects your clothes from moisture. Conversely, too much wetness can cause your clothes to rot or fall apart altogether.
- Lightweight and convenient to store
Unlike large wooden boxes or other storage containers, acid-free wedding dress boxes are lightweight and easy to store in different locations. You can easily store your wedding dress in a safe place, such as a closet, bedside table, or closet.
Importance of Properly Storing a Wedding Dress
Proper storage of the wedding dress is important as it will help keep it looking beautiful and wearable for years, especially if you intend to sell it or give it to a loved one in the future.
Should a Wedding Dress Be Cleaned Before Storage?
Yes, it is absolutely necessary to wash the wedding dress before wearing it. Removing any stains, dirt, sweat, and oil prevents further wear and damage. By taking good care of your wedding gown, you can help hold that delicate fabric together and extend its life. Choose a professional dry cleaner to ensure the clothes are in perfect storage condition.
Does My Wedding Dress Require Specific Storage, or Can I Keep It in a Closet?
If you keep it in a simple closet, you won’t be able to protect your wedding dress from danger. Wedding dresses are extremely sensitive to temperature and humidity changes. A regular closet may not allow your wedding dress to regulate temperature perfectly.
Looking for wedding dress boxes for storage acid-free? Then, hire The Product Boxes, a leading company that offers amazing packaging solutions at very affordable prices. We are well known throughout the UK and surrounding areas for our bespoke boxes. Whether you are looking for wedding dress storage boxes or other custom boxes, our experts are always here to help you with your packaging project.
So, if you’re taking your packaging to the next level, contact us today to store your wedding dress stylishly yet effectively!